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May, National Stroke Awareness Month #2

Continuing the theme, below is more critical data from the American Stroke Association (National Stroke Association,

Stroke Strikes FAST, so B.E. F.A.S.T.

  • B = BALANCE: Ask the person if they are dizzy

  • E = EYES: Ask the person to count your fingers

  • F = FACE: Ask the person to smile

  • A = ARM: Ask the person to raise both arms

  • S = SPEECH: Ask the person to speak a simple sentence

  • T = TIME: Call 9-1-1 immediately if you observe any of these signs

Additional Stroke Symptoms

  • Sudden and severe headache

  • Sudden numbness, like pins & needles

  • Sudden weakness, one-sided

Excuses, People Don’t Respond to Symptoms

  • Don’t recognize symptoms

  • Denial

  • Think nothing can be done

  • Worry about the cost of going to the hospital

  • Think symptoms will go away

  • Fear or don’t trust hospitals


  • Many strokes are preventable if attention is paid to pre-existing medical conditions and control lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise.

  • Stop smoking

  • Lower your blood pressure

  • Manage Afib, find out if you have atrial fibrillation (Afib)

  • Drink alcohol in moderation, if you drink

  • Lower your cholesterol

  • Control diabetes

  • Stop using illegal drugs

  • Exercise daily

  • Eat a lower sodium (salt) and lower fat diet

  • If you have circulation problems, work with your healthcare professional to improve your circulation

Call 911 if you experience any stroke-like symptoms… time is crucial!